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Beryl's Musings #3

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Beryl's Musings

Date: Feb. 29, 2024

Oh my -- the co-conspirators had WAY too much fun with the intro.  How does one live up to all that hype???  I must say though, I think I will briefly revel in the drum roll nonsense.  In the past I have caused far more eye rolls – mainly by my family who have put up with my weird logic and homemade ideas that should work – at least in my world.

I just plain love books and when the weather was -40 in January, I was more than happy to be in a semi state of hibernation.  Having a few new books and jigsaw puzzles made the days go by quickly and there was never a boring moment.

The two new books I read during this time were by two of my favorite authors.

I have liked David Baldacci for a long time and have enjoyed most, if not all that the library has.  His new one – The Edge – is a sequel to the 6:20 Man.  To class it in one word, it is a thriller.  It might have a little too much blood and gore and bodies, but that is what most thrillers have, so expect it.  Overall, it keeps one turning pages until it is done.

The second book was by John Grisham, The Exchange. Again, the library has a lot of his and have read all over the past few years.  The new one is a sequel to his first big one – The Firm.  It is the same character, but just that many years older.  He had adventures in the first book as a rookie lawyer in a shady firm and in the new one, he managed to get himself into a large international firm and has worked himself up to a partnership.  It is more about working “under the law” in getting huge money to pay ransom in a kidnapping in a Middle East country.  Grisham was actually a lawyer, so knows about which he writes.  Obviously writing pays a heck of a lot more than lawyering (Really????).  Maybe he just likes writing more – and I am glad of that.  He will keep you entertained.

The main problem, at least as I see it, is when one gets into a good book, it becomes hard to leave.  It is a total inconvenience to have to stop to make a meal but that problem can be “fixed”.  A joke from an email buddy – The family asks mum what is for supper, to which she replies – nothing.  They said that is what we had last night.  Her answer, I made enough for two nights.  It just may work if you are brave enough to try!

Thanks to a dear young friend for introducing me to Kristin Hannah.  I read The Winter Palace and loved it – nothing for supper two nights for sure!!!  Waiting to hear the end of the fairy tale will keep you riveted and what that poor woman lived through in the war was heartbreaking.  I will be reading more of Kristin as fiction with facts is always a great read.  New one, The Women, is ordered (thanks daughter) and will be in my hot old hands soon and then available too.

Perhaps by now you will have also figured something out – I am NOT adding to my trove of treasures (not doing well at all in the downsizing thing that is supposed to be taking place), but it is lovely to get new reads, enjoy them, then pass them along to be in our library for others to read.  At some point, particularly with fading memory, the same books can be taken out and re-read.  Best of all – no space taken in the house and no dusting required either!!!

On a final note, my thought for the day – if you smile at the sunrise it will make the rest of your day.

TTFN (Ta Ta For Now),
